Angular with Firebase Development

Sat 16 Dec, 2017 at 4:00 PM IST | Price - Free of Cost


  •  Introduction to Angular2
  •  Setting up development environment
  •  Performing CRUD operation
  •   Introduction to Firebase
  •   Hands-On


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Speaker image

Shailendra Chauhan (Microsoft MVP, Founder & CEO at Scholarhat by DotNetTricks)

Angular, Microsoft Azure, ASP.NET Core, React, Docker, Microservices Architecture, DevOps

Shailendra Chauhan is the Founder and CEO at ScholarHat by DotNetTricks which is a brand when it comes to e-Learning. He provides training and consultation over an array of technologies like Cloud, .NET, Angular, React, Node, Microservices, Containers and Mobile Apps development. He has been awarded Microsoft MVP 8th time in a row (2016-2023). He has changed many lives with his writings and unique training programs. He has a number of most sought-after books to his name which has helped job aspirants in cracking tough interviews with ease.

Attendees (33)


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