Docker and CI/CD with VSTS

30 June, 2018 at 8:30 PM IST | Price - Free of Cost


  •   Containers - What & Why?
  •   Docker Basics
  •   Varieties of Containers & Orchestrators
  •   CI/CD pipeline overview with containers?
  •   Hands-on Setup Docker in Visual Studio and CI/CD in VSTS
  •   Docker tooling for Devs
  •   Q&A Session


It's an online event. You can join it from your place having a headphone and Internet connection.



Speaker image

Sunny Sharma (Sr. Software Engineer, Microsoft MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer)

Microsoft Azure, DevOps

Sunny is a Full Stack Developer, Blogger, Microsoft MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer. He has 7+ years of experience of building enterprise apps using .NET platform and front-end technologies (C#, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Microsoft Azure). He loves giving back to the community and keep organizing free developer events in Delhi-NCR area very often. Follow him on twitter at @sunny_delhi.

Attendees (208)


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